Working from Home


Amidst the Covid19 crisis that the world is facing today, people all over the world tends working from home. Survey says that work from home set-up has positive effect on productivity during this pandemic. As we move forward through understanding what our new norm will be, employees everywhere will be forced to at least entertain the idea of working from home in some capacity.

The problem with work from home concept is not all industry will embrace this culture. Example is the manufacturing companies who needs work forces to operate. In this time where pandemic spreads not only the front liners or health workers are forced to make a living. Also, the scheme of no work,no pay is inevitable. This pandemic also a “game changer”, when you suddenly realized your worth in your company. When they value the business rather than your health. But how can we adapt to the new norm? Is it the right time to have a jump start in your career? Maybe, you’re asking yourself, “Can I do this?”. Many things are holding us to embrace the new norm and its okay. What we need is to be optimistic that we can do it by ourselves.


Beginning is always the hardest. You probably asked yourself how can I start working at home when you are clueless? Perhaps this working at home is your dream, but you’re not sure how to make it your reality. This have the pros and cons, example in the demands of your life, your skills, and desires, but first you need to start making a plan. You should have strategic overview regarding this matter.

Step 1. KNOW YOUR PURPOSE behind the working from home

Work from home should be purpose-driven.

It is important to know your WHY when you want to make money online or work from home – it keeps you motivated during the struggle and the low times. This will be your driving factor why you want to achieve such. As quoted, “You don’t command wind in the direction it blows, but you command a ship in the direction it sails.” This will serves as direction to start and finished what we have started.


Approach guide on how to start your work from home business.

It is time to brainstorm and understand what appeals to you the most! There are types of work from home options – You have options if you want work at home job with one employer or freelancer , to start freelancing business of some sort. It could be part-time or a full-time job, depending on how many hours you can dedicate to your side.


Workspace and skills are essentials for work from home business set-up.

Its time to invest on the tangible things such as your workspace, computer or laptop, earphones and especially your internet connection. Also you need to invest in learning and skills that your business required. You need to decide what services will you offer, you may start on General Virtual Assistance such as data entry, transcription, email management and many more. You may enroll in a freelancing training course for more ideas or watch some tips and techniques on YouTube. As for me, even though I have 6 years experienced in a manufacturing set-up I still enrolled to FVA Academy. You have to choose who can help, give and guide you during this starting point. This will make your journey worthwhile.


Positive attitude and right mindset will is very important if you want to improve yourself and success in your career.

This is what all we need in the times like this, the never give-up attitude. As quoted, when the going gets tough, the tough get going – meaning when the situation becomes difficult, the strong will work harder to meet the challenge. We need to face the challenges and became over comers. Be motivated of the success stories of Filipino Freelancers and other Filipino Virtual Assistants. We can never do it by ourselves alone, we must pray for guidance and wisdom to our God.


Below are the the benefits of working from home but it is not limited on what I listed.

  1. Flexible schedule.
  2. Custom Environments
  3. Saves money.
  4. No office distractions.
  5. Zero commuting.
  6. Forget crowds and traffic.
  7. More time with your family.

The grass is always greener on the other side.

Some important things to consider are what environment you stay focused in the longest, how long it takes you to get back on track, and how you best communicate. If you’re self-motivated, adhere to a routine well, and enjoy minimal distractions, then working from home is the right choice for you.

As for me, there’s no harm in trying, so i try. For the business owners, you don’t have to work alone. Hire a virtual assistant now. In that case, we can start and continuously building our empire in our home. We are ready to help clients for quality virtual assistance services that is within your budget, don’t hesitate to contact us.

Lets build something together.